Sunday, August 24, 2008


I've been thinking about sex lately.

It's not a subject I think of much, mostly because I ain't gettin' any and don't plan to for a looong time. But being surrounded by people of a more promiscuous nature has made me think of it more. I've been thinking of what I would think of it if I was going to Hell .

It seems like Christians have a much higher view of sex than others. We think of it as intimacy and how it creates a bond between partners that's sacred to marriage. If I wasn't a Christian I wouldn't buy that; I think because I would never think of a philosophy of sex. Who does? Even if one did in passing it would be so tainted by how much they wanted it. It's weird to me how so many (especially half-ass Christians) have come to the persuasion that sex is good if they are in love, regardless of marriage. Thus many partners are inevitable and the eventual bond between spouses is cheapened (think of 40 Year Old Virgin). It's weird for me to even think of that because I have had no such experiences and don't plan to. But, even if I wasn't Christian I think I would still be a virgin because I have no balls.

It's weird to me too how many Christians get involved with non-Christians. Obviously it can work out, but it seems very dangerous. Of course the hope is that the other will be converted and you'll both go to Heaven. I can see good things come from this, as in you get a better understanding of non-Christians and save a soul. The danger is in assuming you will influence them and they won't influence you. It could be my upbringing, my lack of initiative toward women, or my Christian bubble but I am not drawn toward non-Christians. I find the whole "you are going to burn in Hell for all eternity" kind of a turnoff.

1 comment:

Oliver and Pamela said...

lust rules over love in the world, always has, always will. we live for the here and now and forget about the future beauty or plain don't believe it can actually exists. intimacy is cheapened and therefore loneliness prevails. waiting is no longer a virtue.