Thursday, February 19, 2009


My New Year’s resolution was to finish 15 books this year. In short, I want to be smart and smart people read. I remember talking to my mom once about how smart the Matthews were, and she simply said “they read.” It’s nice to go through times of little reading and more thinking as this last year, although on the whole reading is integral.

There was an article in the WSJ a few months ago by Karl Rove of the reading competition between himself and President Bush. Rove won all three years but the number of books they read was massive: from ~70 to over 100. I’m not in love with President Bush but my opinion of him went way up after reading this. Granted, this means time taken away from news, media, and other things which are also important. However, on the whole I respect readers’ opinions more than nonreaders. I want to be a reader.


Oliver and Pamela said...

SO you told me this when you were here about reading the I thought I'd try...I'm still on the same book after 1.5 months and its only 250 pages. Pathetic! :)

Oliver and Pamela said...


Unknown said...

update your blog, yo!